
更新时间:2022-01-15 13:05




premium /ˈpriːmɪəm/ CET6 TEM8 ( premiums )

1.N-COUNT A premium is a sum of money that you pay regularly to an insurance company for an insurance policy. 保险费

2.N-COUNT A premium is a sum of money that you have to pay for something in addition to the normal cost. 附加费

3.ADJPremium products are of a higher than usual quality and are often expensive. 高端的 [ADJ n]

4.PHRASE If something is at a premium, it is wanted or needed, but is difficult to get or achieve. 求之难得

5.PHRASE If you buy or sell something at a premium, you buy or sell it at a higher price than usual, for example, because it is in short supply. 以高价 (买、卖)


Risk premium 风险溢价 ; 风险贴水 ; 风险保费

extra premium[保险] 额外保险费 ; 额外保费 ; 附加保费 ; 附加保险费

deposit premium[保险] 预付保险费 ; 预付保费 ; 预支保费 ; 预付安全费

option premium 期权费 ; 期权金 ; 期权溢价 ; 权利金

Accelerating Premium 累进奖金制 ; 累进奖金制英语 ; 累进性奖金 ; 详细翻译

call premium 提前兑回溢价 ; 赎回溢价 ; 买回溢价 ; 先期偿还债券溢价

gas premium 气体燃料标金 ; 煤气标金 ; 石油气标金

Liquidity Premium 流动性溢价 ; 流动性升水 ; 流动性溢酬 ; 流动性风险溢价

unearned premium 预收的保险费 ; 未到期保险费 ; 尚未获得的保险费

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