
更新时间:2023-10-06 21:20

吉恩·格罗斯曼(Gene Grossman),普林斯顿大学经济学教授。


Special Interest Politics

by Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman

Cambridge MA and London UK: The MIT Press, 2001Awarded William H. Riker Best Book Award by the Political Economy

Section of the American Political Science Association

See Review Article by David P. Baron in Journal of Economic Literature

Interest Groups and Trade Policy

by Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman

Princeton and Oxford UK: Princeton University Press, 2002

Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy

by Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman

Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 1991

Handbook of International Economics, vol.3

edited by Gene M. Grossman and Kenneth Rogoff

Amsterdam: North Holland, 1995

Imperfect Competition and International Trade

edited by Gene M. Grossman

Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 1992

Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence

edited by Gene M. Grossman

Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1996.

The Political Economy of Trade Policy

edited by Robert C. Feenstra, Gene M. Grossman and Douglas A. Irwin

Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 1996


Journal of Political Economy, Accepted

(with Elhanan Helpman and Hugo Lhuillier)

European Journal of Political Economy vol. 77, 102315

(with Elhanan Helpman)

Annual Review of Economics vol. 14 (2022), 93-124

(with Ezra Oberfield)

Review of Economic Studies vol 88, no. 3 (May 2021), 1101-26.

(with Elhanan Helpman)

Econometrica vol 89, no. 1 (Jaunuary 2021), 215-249.

(with Philip McCalman and Robert W. Staiger)

目录 22
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